Kanawha County
Nesbitt Bottling Co.
Nesbitt Bottling Company put out an advertisement in search of a driver to distribute their soda throughout the Charleston area in 1951, directing the reader to contact Louis Murad of Montgomery (Nesbitt Bottling Co., 1951). The company was sold in 1951, but continued to operate, per an open letter from the previous owners to their customers; the previous owners included Carl White, Stugeon Hinkle, and Ralph Gibson (“To All,” 1951). The company appeared on a list of those delinquent on corporate taxes in 1953, likely marking the end of the company (“Legal Advertisement,” 1953).

Legal advertisement. (1953, August 3). Charleston Gazette, 22.
Nesbitt Bottling Co. (1951, July 11). Experienced truck drivers [advertisement]. Charleston Gazette, 18.
To all the patrons of Nesbitt Bottling Co. (1951, July 16). Charleston Daily Mail, 13.