Moose Lodge 1444

ca. 1950-60s

I am unsure as to when the Moose Lodge 1444 distributed merchant tokens, but these are a later die used in the 1950s and 60s.

National City Bank


At its founding in 1907, the National City Bank was located at 805 Kanawha Street (National City Bank, 1907), located at the corner of Capitol and Kanawha Streets. The officers were: Joseph E. Robins, President; Andrew C. Calderwood, Vice President; John L. Thornhill, Vice President; Joseph S. Hill, Cashier; and G. Russel Blake, Assistant Cashier. By 1915, National City Bank had been absorbed into the Charleston National Bank (“Eskins Goes Up”, 1915).

New Monarch

Information needed.

John Pauley’s Rendezvous

ca. 1940s

Information needed.

J.P. Prairie

ca. 1915(?)

Information needed.


Information needed.

The Real Tailors, Inc.

ca. 1923

Mrs. S.J. Gordon served as the president of The Real Tailors, Inc. according to both the 1923 Charleston City Directory and the September 1923 Dun & Bradstreet. This is also the first Dun & Bradstreet I spotted her in, as she does not appear in 1922 issues. I am unsure as to when her business closed.

William E. Sinnett


William E. Sinnett was listed in 1915 as a Justice of Peace and the proprietor of a grocery store on the south side of Charleston. The first Dun & Bradstreet in which he appears is the September 1906 issue, again appearing as a grocery store. Schenkman (2009) notes that he went out of business around 1926.

The Smoke House

Information needed.

Joseph Skaff

Information needed.

George W. Spaniol & Co.

Information needed.

The Sportsman

Information needed.

Staab’s Grill

Early 1940s—1946

In a “for sale” advertisement from 1959, Staab’s Grill was located at 112 W. Washington Street (Staab’s Grill, 1959). According to Schenkman (2009), Leonard Staab owned this restaurant in the early 1940s, then selling it to a Paul Walder in 1946.

Staats Hospital

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

The Terrace

Information needed.

Valley Bell Dairy Co.

Coming soon.

Virginia Fruit Company

Information needed.

The Value Shop

Information needed.

Warren & Carson

Information needed.

Wilson Billiard Parlor

Information needed.

Wilson Cigar Store

Information needed.

Woodward & Walker

Information needed.

Young’s Billiard Parlor

Information needed.

Zimmerman’s Cigar Store

Information needed.


Eskins goes up. (1915, November 5). The Charleston Daily Mail, 6.

National City Bank (1907). One dollar will start an account [advertisement]. The Labor Argus, 5.

Staab’s Grill (1959, September 6). For sale, trade, lease [advertisement]. Sunday Gazette-Mail, 59.