Kanawha County
Barq Bottling Co.
Barq Bottling Company, Inc. organized in 1948 (WV Sec. State, n.d.) with incorporators Walter H. Tuttle Jr. and Wayne A. Rich, among others. Their office was located at 2306 Charles Street (now Avenue instead of Street).
Dunbar Bottling Co.
Information needed.
Dumpy Wumpy Beverages. Front.
Dumpy Wumpy Beverages. Back.
Grapette Bottling Co.
Information needed.
Grapette. Front.
Grapette. Back.
Kanawha Bottling Works
Kanawha Bottling Works was sold by the trustees in an auction on October 12, 1929, likely ending this company in its entirety (“Notice Of”, 1929). The same notice also notes the company began in 1927.
Notice of trustees sale. (1929, September 27). Charleston Daily Mail, 29.
West Virginia Secretary of State. (n.d.). Business entity details: Barq Bottling Co., Inc. https://apps.wv.gov/SOS/BusinessEntitySearch/Details.aspx?Id=QK2MlQBGH8V7+VXFLCUIZg==&Search=RrsFjIv7IrofDsjSfGI1cw%3d%3d&Page=0