Eckman Bottling Works


Eckman Bottling Works incorporated in 1904 with a capital of $20,000 and incorporators E.L. Lee, R.M. Garrett Jr., Harvey McDowell, W.H. Freeman, and T.W. Moorehead (“Eckman Bottling”, 1904). It is unknown whether, upon incorporation, Eckman Bottling Works immediately bottled Coca-Cola or not. Upon opening in late 1904 or early 1905, J.P. Kesting served as the manager of the bottling works (“Northfork News”, 1905). Shortly after, between 1905 and 1907, D.A. Lynch was manager of the outfit (“Graham Gossip”, 1905). (“Bottling News”, 1904).

At some point soon after its incorporation, Keystone Bottling Company (K.B.Co., of nearby Keystone) purchased Eckman Bottling Works. The first mention of Eckman Bottling Works being a subsidiary of K.B.Co. was a mere three years later, in 1907. While no Eckman bottles bear “K.B.Co.” on their base, one heel script variant does have “C.W.E.” on its base, indicating that the C.W. Elliott Company owned Eckman Bottling Company at this point. C.W. Elliott, who was a mogul of the southern West Virginia soft drink industry, was President of K.B.Co. This discussion will be held for the K.B.Co. article under Keystone, as it becomes convoluted.


Bottling news. (1904). The American Carbonator and American Bottler, 24(286), pp. 90.

Eckman Bottling Works chartered. (1904, November 15). Bluefield Daily Telegraph, 5.

Graham gossip. (1905, April 22). Bluefield Daily Telegraph, 2.

Northfork news. (1905, August 20). Bluefield Daily Telegraph, 6.