Chero-Cola Bottling Co.
Information needed.
A later, swirl deco-style Chero-Cola from Williamson. Front.
A later, swirl deco-style Chero-Cola from Williamson. Back.
Citizens’ Ice & Bottling Co.
Citizens’ Ice & Bottling Company began in 1912 with incorporators M.H. Russell, J.A. Goodman, and F.P. Jennings (“West Virginia”, 1912). In the West Virginia Bureau of Labor’s Biennial Report for 1916, Citizens’ Ice & Bottling Company appeared with four workers.
Mingo Bottling Co.
Information needed.
Mingo Beverages, orange and black ACL. Front.
Mingo Beverages, orange and black ACL. Back.
Mingo Beverages, white and red. Front.
Mingo Beverages, white and red. Back.
Information needed.
Nu-Grape Bottling Co.
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Sanitary Bottling Co.
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Sanitary Nehi Bottling Co.
Information needed.
An RC Cola from the Sanitary Nehi Bottling Company. An earlier design. Front.
An RC Cola from the Sanitary Nehi Bottling Company. An earlier design. Back.
Seven-Up Bottling Co.
Information needed.
Union Carbonating Co.
Information needed.
Williamson Bottling Co.
Full article coming soon.
The Williamson Bottling Company was destroyed by a fire on September 30, 1903 (“Williamson Fire Swept”, 1903). Interestingly, in the March of 1904 Dun & Bradstreet (the first issue of the year), Williamson Bottling Company is noted to be a branch of C.W. Elliott & Company (Mercantile Agency, 1904). Perhaps C.W. Elliott & Co. saw an opportunity to purchase the bottling works after the fire.
By 1917, they are seen to be distributing “Reif’s Special” with other K.B.Co. subsidiaries, such as Bluefield Bottling Works, which implies they were later sort of “carried over” when C.W. Elliott & Co. began K.B.Co. as well (C.W. Elliott Company, 1917).
A monogrammed hutch. Light aqua green.
A CC Soda Coca-Cola bottle.
Elliott, C.W. Company (1917, May 20). Reif’s Special [advertisement]. Bluefield Daily Telegraph, 6.
West Virginia. (1912). The American Bottler, 32(2).
West Virginia Bureau of Labor. (1916). Thirteenth biennial report of the Bureau of Labor of West Virginia, 1915-1916. Tribune Printing Company. Charleston, W.Va.
Williamson fire swept. (1903, October 1). Hinton Daily News, 1.